K-fold vs. Leave One Out cross validation
Both K-fold and Leave One Out (LOOC) cross validation methods are performed on the training set to estimate the performance of the
trained model on unseen data.
K-fold cross validation has a single parameter called k that refers to the number of groups that a given data sample is to be split into (usually k=10).
K-fold CV splits the data randomly into k groups, and for each unique group, trains a regression model with that group as a hold out and all other groups
used as training data. The model is evaluated on the group that was held out, then discarded and the evaluation score retained. The performance of the model
is then calculated based on all the evaluation scores obtained. Each data point will thus have the opportunity to be used once in the hold-out set and k-1 times
in the training set.
The LOOC works the same way as a K-fold CV where k=n.
Comparing K-fold and LOOC
K-fold CV gives a pessimistically biased estimate of performance as it limits the size of the training data, and most statistical models will improve
if the training set is made larger. The K-fold CV estimates the performance of a model trained on a dataset 100*(k-1)/k% of the available data, rather than
on 100% of it. So if cross-validation is performed to estimate performance, a model using 100% of the data for operational use will perform slightly better than
the cross-validation estimate suggests.
Leave-one-out cross-validation is approximately unbiased, because the difference in size between the training set used in each fold and the entire dataset
is only a single data point.
LOOC tends to have a high variance as very different estimates will be obtained if the estimate is repeated with different initial samples of data from
same distribution, whereas K-fold has a relatively lower variance.
LOOCV is more computationally intensive than K-fold CV.
However, with a small dataset, the variance in fitting the model tends to be higher as it is more sensitive to any noise/sampling artifacts in the particular
training sample used. This means that k-fold cross-validation is likely to have a high variance if there is only a limited amount of data, as the size of the
training set will be smaller than for LOOCV.
As the error of the estimator is a combination of bias and variance, whether leave-one-out cross-validation is better than k-fold cross-validation depends on both
quantities (and also the computational budget of the project). For very small datasets, LOOCV is preferred.
Source: https://stats.stackexchange.com/